Divorce, separation or break up from a loved one is incredibly tough. Up until recently the amount of support available to individuals navigating their way through the hurdles that come with divorce/break ups was at best limited and at worst non-existent.

I am an accredited Breakup & Divorce Coach and trained with the globally renowned Sara Davison.  I believe no one should have to go through this process alone. I am passionate about my topic and use my knowledge, together with several tools and techniques to help support you through arguably - one of the toughest times a person will ever go through. 

 My aim is to individually assess each client’s personal situation and offer both advice and strategies that will help you gain some clarity, regain your focus and give you the confidence to move forwards positively. Each client is different. Often, when you are emotionally involved in your own divorce it is impossible to see beyond the struggles of day-to-day life. When children are involved, it can be even harder. You naturally put their needs before your own, leaving you feeling stressed, exhausted and alone.

 I am passionate about my topic and believe my coaching will bring calmness, clear thinking and the ability to look forwards with a new sense of purpose.

How I can help

How to cope in the early days of a breakup

How to start navigating the divorce process and think more clearly about your decisions

How to deal with your ex

Managing divorce with children involved

How to move confidently forwards throughout the divorce process.

How to start dating again

How to relish and thrive in your new life


I am able to help my clients in all stages of break-up, I do not simply deal with impending divorce cases.  You can contact me about any of the following:

  • You are thinking about breaking up – but wonder if there a chance you can save your relationship?

  • You are getting ready to leave your relationship and need advice on how to prepare for a new life.

  • Your relationship has just ended.

  • You are in the middle of the break up process.

  • Your relationship ended a while ago and you feel stuck.

 These are just a few examples of where I can help you but there are many many more stages along the way. I have a range of techniques and strategies for every stage

My coaching experience has shown me that people DO move on.  They adapt and steadily begin to face the future again. However, it can be a long and slow process. Coaching can help you to feel better quicker and speed up the process of recovery.

Not only do we use my techniques together, but I can help you to see through the confusion. 

 There is life both during and after break up’s and divorce. I can teach you the tools and strategies to help you cope during the various stages AND help you plan a happy life after it. 



If you have a question that you’d like to ask me then please feel free to get in touch via the contacts page.

  • Yes. Whilst I am a breakup and Divorce Coach I do not simply promote breaking up! It’s important for me to help my clients to get clarity about whether it really is the right decision for them. I want to help ensure that my clients do everything they can to save their relationship and don’t end up having regrets. Relationships take a lot of time and investment. I believe there needs to be a good amount of time and consideration taken before simply walking away from it. This is especially true if there are children involved.

  • Yes. Finding out your partner has been unfaithful can cause HUGE ripple effects across your whole world. Betrayal can commonly cause a host of feelings to come to the surface including:

    • Self doubt

    • Trust issues

    • Lack of confidence

    • Low self esteem

    • Why did they do it?

    • What is wrong with me?

    I am not here to judge. For some betrayal is a black and white issue, the relationship may be over for good OR you may be able to see a way to forgive and rebuild.

    I will help you to work through these negative belief patterns, take back your control and move forward on your terms.

  • Yes. My clients are understandably worried about the impact a divorce will have on their children. They, therefore, start to take on a number of limiting beliefs around the topic that can in turn cause high levels of anxiety. I can help you to dial down all the negative emotion you are feeling around this topic and refocus your attention on how to make life better for you and the children.

    Divorce does not HAVE to damage children. Remember YOU are their role model and as such, they will take their lead from you.

  • Yes. Whilst I cannot offer legal or financial advice, I can help you to compartmentalize the fears and together we can create a manageable action plan for the future. Whilst it is scary, burying your head at a time like this is the worst thing you can do. Clarity = Power. The more knowledgeable you are about what the future will look like to more in control you will feel. After each session with me, we will create an action plan based on our discussions that day. This could be as simple as having an initial chat with a solicitor or financial advisor. It may even be sitting down and looking at your bank account and monthly outgoings/bills. Remember the more knowledge you have the more in control you will feel!

  • Yes. Even once the divorce process is over some clients find it incredibly hard to move on. This is especially true if you did not initialise the divorce proceedings. It is important for you to rediscover your identity after a breakup. Self-reliance is a vital attribute but it often diminishes during a relationship as it is common to become co-dependent on your ex for many things. Facing life as a single person can be daunting. Together we can help to rebuild your self-confidence, face your fears, take small risks and above all help to create a confident and more positive YOU!

 Want to know more?

If you think you are ready to start re-building your new chapter then please head to my contact page to book a free 20 minute phone call or book in for a coaching session.